Functional dependence on construction costs of horizontal mining facilities in lead-zinc ore

Zavisnost troškova izrade horizontalnih rudarskih prostorija u rudi olova i cinka

  • Nikolinka Doneva University "Goce Delčev", Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Mining Institute
  • Marija Hadži-Nikolova University "Goce Delčev", Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Mining Institute
  • Suzana Lutovac University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology
Keywords: profile; ore deposit; scientific research


  This paper presents a methodology for determination of the two parameter dependence on construction costs of horizontal mining facilities in the lead-zinc ore. Construction costs are shown as a function of the profile area on facilities and the degree of jointed on the rock, presented by the change in their uniaxial compressive strength.


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How to Cite
Doneva, N., Hadži-Nikolova, M., & Lutovac, S. (2017). Functional dependence on construction costs of horizontal mining facilities in lead-zinc ore. Podzemni Radovi, (24), 11-19.