Strategy for development and restructuring of public enterprise for underground coal exploitation, Resavica

Strategija razvoja i restrukturiranja javnog preduzeća za podzemnu eksploataciju uglja Resavica

  • Miodrag Denić University of Belgrade – Technical faculty in Bor
  • Nenad Vušović University of Belgrade – Technical faculty in Bor
  • Saša Stojadinović University of Belgrade – Technical faculty in Bor
Keywords: undergroung exploitation; geological reserves; strategic for development; restructuring


  Underground coal mining in Serbia is currently in a specific and very unfavorable situation, because there is practically no strategy for future development direction of underground mines. The company is characterized by large losses in business, and therefore high debt and a chronic lack of liquidity. PE UCE 'Resavica' in restructuring has no more capital, because, unfortunately, losses are higher than capital value. It is necessary to urgently develop and adopt a Strategy of restructuring and privatization of the company, how would all economic useful resources during a certain period, be reorganized into a successful business enterprise, based on a combination of public and private investment, which would end the agony and the process of restructuring of the PE UCE 'Resavica'.


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How to Cite
Denić, M., Vušović, N., & Stojadinović, S. (2014). Strategy for development and restructuring of public enterprise for underground coal exploitation, Resavica. Podzemni Radovi, (25), 19-31.

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