Coal reserves in the deposit as a limiting factor for the introducing of mechanised mining technology

Rezerve uglja u ležištu kao ograničavajući faktor uvođenju tehnologija mehanizovanog otkopavanja

  • Dušan Gagić University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology
  • Branko Gluščević University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology
Keywords: coal reserves; underground coal deposit exploitation; longwall face mining


  In this paper are elaborated limiting factors and the need for methodological procedure at the time of the selection and assessment of the underground production system (UPS) when exploiting coal deposits. The trends in the world production of mineral raw materials are going in the direction of mass production and large capacities in large deposits. Such orientation cannot completely eliminate certain role and importance of small deposits. The basic reasons that can contribute towards the preservation of small deposits exploitation are connected on one side with the genesis of these deposits, and on the other hand with exceptionally favorable technical, organizational and financial possibility when exploited. In the more and more complex conditions of deposit exploitation, modern and effective organization of work and production demands introducing and constant correction of technical-economic criteria that have been arrived at on the basis of the objective automatic processing of all data from the production process. In this paper the accent is on the recovery ratio of the deposit when applying the method of the longwall face mining, but principal assumptions the researches are based on are valid also for the application of the short width face mining method.


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How to Cite
Gagić, D., & Gluščević, B. (2017). Coal reserves in the deposit as a limiting factor for the introducing of mechanised mining technology. Podzemni Radovi, (23), 21-31. Retrieved from