Mines closure strategy

Strategija zatvaranja rudnika

  • Vladimir Pavlović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology
  • Tomislav Šubaranović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology
Keywords: mine closure; environmental protection


  Basic standards for the process of mines closure are much more demanding and complex than they were several years ago. By the mines closure is necessary to prevent or reduce to a minimum a long-term negative impact on the environment and enable the creation of self sustaining natural ecosystems. Issues relating to mines closure are of great importance in the evaluation of proposals for the exploitation of mineral resources.


Robertson, A., Shaw, S. (2009): Mine Closure, Infomine E-Book.

Pavlović, V. (2002): Rekultivacija površinskih kopova, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd.

Australian Government, Departament of Industry (2006), Mine Closure and Completion, Tourizam and Resources.

ICMM (2008): Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit, London, UK.

Australian and New Zeland Minerals and Energy Council, Mineral Council of Australia (2000): Strategic Framework for Mine Closure.
How to Cite
Pavlović, V., & Šubaranović, T. (2012). Mines closure strategy. Podzemni Radovi, (20), 99-106. Retrieved from https://ume.rgf.bg.ac.rs/index.php/ume/article/view/82

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