Stages in creation of graphic documentation of underground mines

Faze formiranja grafičke dokumentacije rudnika sa podzemnom eksploatacijom

  • Aleksandar Milutinović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology
  • Aleksandar Ganić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology
  • Zdravko Zarić JP PEU Resavica, RMU ′′Rembas′′
  • Mensud Turković JP PEU Resavica, RMU ′′Štavalj′′
Keywords: mine; underground mining; graphic documentation


  Graphic documentation of a mine is a set of a certain number and type of graphically shown data giving information on spatial position and geometry of mining structures, mining production, starting with the designing stage, through exploitation up to its termination, i.e. till closing of a mine and post-exploitation activities in connection with reclamation and revitalization. Characteristic mark of underground mining of mineral raw material, in terms of defining and monitoring of changes of conditions in space, primarily refers to the inability to recognize the position and geometry of underground chambers, facilities and appearances in the way it is possible to do on the surface, for example, as with surface mining. Beneath the surface, visibility and recognition of the space is limited only to the underground chamber where the observer is located. If the diversity of geometrical shapes of underground chambers, their different position in space, constant change of conditions and complexity of mining works is added to this fact, it may be established that the contents of graphical documentation of underground mine is very diverse and complex. Creation of graphical documentation represents continual process of collecting, processing and presentation of data in real space and time, throughout all stages, which a mine must pass during its life, which was shown in this paper.


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How to Cite
Milutinović, A., Ganić, A., Zarić, Z., & Turković, M. (2012). Stages in creation of graphic documentation of underground mines. Podzemni Radovi, (20), 71-80. Retrieved from