Open-pit "Filijala" northwest slope stabilization in order to reduce damage risk and environmental protection

Sanacija severozapadne kosine PK "Filijala" u cilju smanjenja rizika širenja oštećenja i zaštite okoline

  • Vladimir Čebašek University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology
  • Nebojša Gojković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology
Keywords: slope stability; stabilization; risk


  The development of the marl exploitation in the open pit "Filijala" caused the instability appearance in northwest final slope area. The location of this part of the mine in relation to surrounding objects demanded stabilization of the slope in order to prevent further spread of damage. For these purposes, a detailed analysis of the current state of slope stability were carried out, which used as a basis for determining appropriate stabilization measures for the slope.


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ROCSCIENCE Inc. (2001-2004) Application of the Finite Element Method to Slope Stability [WWW]. Available from:

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How to Cite
Čebašek, V., & Gojković, N. (2017). Open-pit "Filijala" northwest slope stabilization in order to reduce damage risk and environmental protection. Podzemni Radovi, (22), 49-61. Retrieved from

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