Paste backfill materials for underground mining – some experiences in Serbia – Part I

  • Milena Kostovic University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology
Keywords: backfill method, backfill materials, paste, undergound mines, Serbia


This review paper presents the backfill method and materials for paste backfill mathod which are used in the world practice of underground mining. The paper consists of two parts. The first part (Part I) provides a brief literature review concerning the presentation of the backfill method, mostly the paste backfill method, its application, advantages and disadvantages, and materials that can be used to form a paste. The second part (Part II) of the paper presents an overview of possible materials that could be used for the eventual application of this method in Serbia. According to available data, backfill method has not been applied in practice in Serbia today, but mostly laboratory tests have been carried out.

How to Cite
Kostovic, M. (2019). Paste backfill materials for underground mining – some experiences in Serbia – Part I. Podzemni Radovi, (35), 57-64.