Coal mining and preparation in Serbia

  • Milena Kostovic Faculty of Mining and Geology
  • Nebojša Kostović Mining institute, Belgrade
  • Rade Tokalić University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology
Keywords: coal; mining; mines; preparation; thermal power plants; Serbia;


Coal reserves in Serbia represent an important strategic energy raw materials on which in the coming decades will be based energy development in Serbia. Coal mining in Serbia is performed by surface, underground and underwater mining, and within each of them there are also the coal preparation facilities.  Underground mining is done in the scope of the JP PEU Resavica, which includes eight active mines: Bogovina, Rembas, Vrška čuka, Štavalj, Ibar, Soko, Jasenovac and Lubnica. Surface mining is carried out as part of a JP EPS. Mining operation is done in mining basin Kolubara and Kostalac which are supplier of three thermal power plants: Kolubara, Nikola Tesla and Morava. Underwater mining and preparation of coals in Serbia has been done in Kovin coal mine. Coal production, processes of preparation and quality for all active mines in Serbia are presented in this review paper.


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How to Cite
Kostovic, M., Kostović, N., & Tokalić, R. (2018). Coal mining and preparation in Serbia. Podzemni Radovi, (33), 69-77.

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