Current situation and perspectives of mineral resources concessions in the Republic of Srpska

Trenutno stanje i perspektive koncesionarstva mineralnih resursa u Republici Srpskoj

  • Vladimir Malbašić University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mine Engineering
  • Žarko Kovačević University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mine Engineering
Keywords: Law on concession of Republic of Srpska; commission for concessions in Republic of Srpska; Document about concession Policy; Regulations - Rule books related to granting concession


  The aim of the law on concessions is to create a transparent and equitable and non-discriminatory and clear legal framework for determining the conditions for domestic and foreign economic and legal entities by concessions granting in the Republic of Srpska. on this way provides incentives for foreign investments in the areas concerned. Given the fact new legislation in the procedure in the future should join the redefinition of Document about concession Policy, or the adoption of new document, which would be the headlines concession policy and comply with the new law on concessions. Simplification of legislation should be more efficient on granting of concessions, and the harmonization of legislation should ensure legal certainty in the granting of concessions, or the subject of the concession utilization, as an important component in the implementation of the granting of concessions policy. Achieving the "full" effect of concessions granting in mineral resources exploration and exploitation demands having a clear and precise definition of the social, political, economic and other conditions. it is clear that a lot of these aspects in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina are not adequate and sufficiently developed and defined and therefore exist the objective reasons why the effects of previous concessions in this sector are not to expected level. The estimation that they will not be in the some future period on expected and desired level. The reasons for this new Law on concession contained in the need to establish a legal basis that will ensure efficient and more functional procedure for concession allocation and implementation. That would eliminate the deficiencies identified in the application of the applicable law, and the exploitation of its natural resources. The appropriate policy measures granting concessions should put in a position of economic development, and ensure that it is optimally used.


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How to Cite
Malbašić, V., & Kovačević, Žarko. (2013). Current situation and perspectives of mineral resources concessions in the Republic of Srpska. Podzemni Radovi, (22), 85-97. Retrieved from