Methane emanation from coal seam side face by the high advance rate of development face

Izdvajanje metana iz ugljenog sloja pri ubrzanom napredovanju tokom razrade širokog čela

  • Nikolai Kachurin Tula State University, Russia
  • Nina Kaledina Moscow State Mining University, Russia
  • Alexander Kachurin Moscow State Mining University, Russia
Keywords: development working; methane; filtration; coal seam; gas emanation; physical model; mathematical model; forecasting


  It’s noted that the modem tendency of using "mine - longwall" technology will produce to increasing productivity of long-wall at 10-15 times and advance rate of development face will increase at several times accordingly. The results of theoretical analysis and foundation on basic regularity for forecasting methane emanation from coal seam side face were represented in this paper. it’s proved that methane emanation from coal seam side face by the high development face velocity is proportional to the product of the exponent with a negative argument multiplied by zero-order modified Bessel function with a positive argument. The physical model of the process was based and mathematical description for forecasting methane emanation from coal seam side face by the high advance rate of development face was shown and results of calculation experiments were shown too.


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How to Cite
Kachurin, N., Kaledina, N., & Kachurin, A. (2013). Methane emanation from coal seam side face by the high advance rate of development face. Podzemni Radovi, (22), 1-5. Retrieved from