Application of GPS technology for management with mobile mining machinery in copper mine 'Bučim'

Primena GPS tehnologije za upravljanje mobilnom rudničkom mehanizacijom u rudniku bakra 'Bučim'

  • Zoran Despodov Faculty of natural and technical sciences, University "Goce Delčev"
  • Todor Čekerovski Faculty of computer science, University "Goce Delčev"
  • Vančo Adžiski Faculty of natural and technical sciences, University "Goce Delčev"
Keywords: GPS; SkyLinks; System; load-transport machinery


  The development of the Global Positioning System (GPS) allow its use for positioning, mobile surveillance for the equipment and monitoring of technological parameters in production units and processes in mining operations. This paper presents the system for monitoring and surveillance of mobile load and transport machinery in the copper mine 'Bučim'. In this paper are also presented the benefits of application system SkyLinks.


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How to Cite
Despodov, Z., Čekerovski, T., & Adžiski, V. (2013). Application of GPS technology for management with mobile mining machinery in copper mine ’Bučim’. Podzemni Radovi, (23), 69-76. Retrieved from